Tag Archives: thoughts

It’s funny..

27 Jan

It’s funny how something once so beautiful just blends into the scenery when enough time passes by.

Did it loose its beauty or did your appreciation for it disappear?

Empty words.

27 Jan
‘Fighting destiny is impossible,
The rainbow is unpaintable,
The inevatable is unchangable,
Certainity is unabtainable,
Perfection is uncatchable,
A broken heart is unmendable,
The stains of love are unwashable,
Strong foundations are unbreakable,
True friends are inseperable,
Love is unmovable,
Your words are unbelievable.’ -ELDR

Untitled (trail of thought)

27 Jan

You can search that rough
Hard and long
Zirconia, plastic, glass
Can’t handle the heat like I
Melt, break, shatter
I’m still here.
Irreplacable, unique in design
Sharp, beautiful, fragile
Perfectly crafted
Each side, learnt
Sculptured masterpiece
Am I..
I am


26 Jan

‘For I am no butterfly..but a mere caterpillar preparing to build her cocoon’- ELDR


26 Jan

Like polars i’m drawn to you,

Being pulled powerlessly to your core,

Your soul calls me in my sleep..


12 Oct

Our technology filled world is a cold place,
Hugs replaced with icons,
Kisses replaced with the letter ‘x’
Even physical contact has been replaced with facebook pokes.

‘i love you’ : the words seem stuck to the page, unmoving, distant and untouching.

‘I LOVE YOU’ you shout with th ecaps lock on, but still no feeling,
Just lines forming shapes known to us as words.

Feelings and emotions expressed by the pressing of buttons, the touching of keys, of individual letters strung together,
But each letter seems to hold no connection to its neighboring letters,
Stood next to one another in silence like soldiers waiting for battle,
Touching, but not feeling.

I miss you, the world before technology.
When words were beautifully joined to one another through the ink of a pen,
I miss when words had meaning, and didn’t lay flat on a page.
The sentiment of a thought out hand writen love letter,
An unexpected visit, encounter.

I love you words, spoken words with feeling.
The beauty of emotion in ones voice, in ones handwriting,
The beauty of seeing the words twist and curl from their lips into your ears.

You’re lost,
Body language so hard to read after technology has began to press and attempt to remould our minds,
A laugh replaced with an ‘LOL’
The beauty of a sigh blocked and surrounded by **
Leaving only our imagination to create the missing sound in our minds.

I love your voice, your body, your words,
Come back to me,

I miss you

*sigh* x

R.I.P My Love 2005.

7 Feb

Once upon a time there was a girl who had so much love in her heart,
She sparkled on the outside like a little twinkling star in the night sky,
But throughout her life people saw the light and wanted it for themselves,
They wanted to use up all her light..
And as they drained her of all her love..
Her light began to fade and her heart turned cold.

With no light, no love and a cold and broken heart
She felt so alone and isolated from the world..
Dragging behind her the many fallen tears she walked the Earth
In search of a love to restore her light,
And to mend her broken heart.
She searched far and wide
Until through the darkness she saw a twinkling light..

The ice ariound her heart warmed to the light,
She followed the light until her feet were sore,
But hope carried her forward,
Something she thought had been taken along with her love and her dignity.
When she reached the light her heart came alive,
It was that light that warmed her her and showed her the meaning of true love.

That light was the love that shone through your soul,
And it was that love that brightened up my world!
And whatever happens I’m just grateful to of seen that light.
You made my heart shine again and brought that twinkle to my eye.

Like a shooting star…you made my heart smile for that life long second,
You didn’t stop long enough for me to catch you,
But you stayed in my sky long enough to capture my heart,
And take it with you on your journeys through the sky,
Lighting up the darkness in the distance.